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when you select any items page will be refresh and focus will be move out of the page egg whites emergency food protein recipe scrambled eggs whole egg powder

Deliciosos Huevos Revueltos con Huevo Entero en Polvo

1 min read time Sep 17, 2020


Ingredientes :

Direcciones :

En un tazón pequeño, mezcle lentamente el huevo en polvo entero , el agua, la crema, la sal y la pimienta. En una sartén a fuego medio, agregue la mezcla de huevo. Mientras se cocina el huevo, revuélvelo para que no se pegue al fondo y retira del fuego una vez que alcance la consistencia deseada. Una vez emplatado, espolvoree un poco de cebollino para darle más sabor y color.

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2 comentarios

  • put it on my order

    jack w seidenberg
  • Question: Whole cream is going to be just as hard to get as eggs and if it take the cream to make the eggs taste like eggs? where’s the benefit? When the nursing home chef told me how nutritious his food was and I saw full plates thrown in the garbage I remarked to him that it didn’t matter how much good there was in his food if the patients wouldn’t eat it.
    Ben Gabus

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