Ashwagandha Root Powder - Organic
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The name ashwagandha is derived from two Sanskrit words – ‘ashwa’ meaning horse and ‘gandha’ meaning smell. This refers to the scent of the root, which is said to be similar to that of a sweaty horse.
Ashwagandha has been used for centuries for various purposes due to its highly nourishing qualities.
In recent years, ashwagandha has gained popularity in the West due to its potential to support one’s ability to adapt.
Some research suggests that Ashwagandha may contain the following constituents:
Ashwagandha Root is a variety of Nightshade (Solanaceae), the common name used to describe a diverse group of over 2,700 species of plants, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicinals, shrubs, vines, and trees that contain a toxic alkaloid called Atropine.
For more information about Nightshade, click here:
This product is 100% natural and minimally processed. Taste, smell, texture, and color may vary from batch to batch.
Suggested Use: 1 teaspoon twice daily.
Other preparations:
Decoction: Use the ratio of 1 tablespoon of herb for every 10 ounces of water. Put all ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling, cover & lower to a simmer for 20-30 minutes. Turn the heat off and allow the mixture to sit for another 10 minutes. Strain and serve (this method is specific for barks and roots).
Tincture: This method can take 15 to 30 days. You will need three items (a mason jar with a cover, the herb/herbs of your choice, and liquid for extracting). The extracting liquid can be alcohol, alcohol/ water combo, vinegar, or vegetable glycerin. Take the product and fill the jar ¾ full, add the liquid of your choice, and close the jar. Then shake the jar, so everything is well mixed. Give the jar a good 5-minute shake several times a day. After 15 to 30 days, strain and bottle in glass tincture jars.
Mixing suggestion: To increase flavor and nutritional profile, combine with our bacopa powder and coconut oil for a brain-nourishing boost.
Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera.
Other Names: Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng, Indian Winter Cherry.
Parts Used: Ashwagandha Root.
Ingredients: Raw Ashwagandha Root Powder.
Origin: Grown and dried in India and packaged with care in Florida, USA.
Certifications: Certified USDA Organic.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.
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