Camu Camu Powder - Organic
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A miraculous food found in the rainforests of Brazil and Peru, camu berries are the tart and tangy powerhouse holding their own in the world of berry nourishment.
This unique berry has a flavor profile, creating a second-to-none complexity that allows for and contributes to its potentially limitless applications.
Our mission is to provide the customer with great-tasting, highly functional foods with limitless application in their most versatile form to support a healthy, vibrant lifestyle. So, we introduce Z Natural Foods’ Organic Camu Berry Powder.
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10. Dr. James Duke's Ethnobotanical database:
11. Null, Gary. A Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, Seven Stories Press, New York, N.Y., 1997.
12. The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Healing,. Kensington Press, New York, N.Y., 1998
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39. Gary Null, Ph.D., a nationally known nutritionist and researcher. Excerpted and adapted by Herbs America from his Clinician's Handbook of Natural Healing, (1998).
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