
Proper Hydration is key to good health. Whether you believe in drinking two gallons a day or something more reasonable, it is important to keep electrolytes in balance.

Coconut water is a great solution, unlike costly, high sugar sports drinks.

Here is a quick and easy recipe to make a delicious hydrating drink based upon your preference, hot, warm or cold.

I suggest making it in a big dispensing Mason jar, and storing it in the refrigerator to remind you to drink -- especially in the winter when many people forget to consume enough water. 

These refreshing, subtle, tropical flavors will take you to a stress-relieving Carribean island for just a few moments every day.



Time to make: About 2 minutes (plus soaking time)

Difficulty: Super fun, delightfully aromatic and easy!


  • Whisk the coconut water powder as you pour it into the water
  • Add the pineapple juice powder
  • Make sure you blend everything properly
  • Drink and enjoy!

About Denise Girard, ZNF Master Chef

Denise Girard is a classically trained chef and an award winning film writer. Certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) as a Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP), Denise brings a unique set of training and skills to the food industry.

Being trained worldwide, she has been advised and educated by leading Medical and Naturopathic doctors in North America and Western Europe, including England, Switzerland, Italy and France, as well as, being trained using a wide array of the unique foods and spices of India. Denise also studied herbalism at the East West school of herbology in Santa Cruz and with Dr Schulze in Los Angeles, CA, gained extensive knowledge from Dr. Francesca Borella, Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany, Dr. Schulze, and Bruce Lipton -- one of the fathers of the science of Epigenetics.


For Bulk inquiries and custom formulations click here:


Proper Hydration is key to good health. Whether you believe in drinking two gallons a day or something more reasonable, it is important to keep electrolytes in balance.

Coconut water is a great solution, unlike costly, high sugar sports drinks.

Here is a quick and easy recipe to make a delicious hydrating drink based upon your preference, hot, warm or cold.

I suggest making it in a big dispensing Mason jar, and storing it in the refrigerator to remind you to drink -- especially in the winter when many people forget to consume enough water. 

These refreshing, subtle, tropical flavors will take you to a stress-relieving Carribean island for just a few moments every day.



Time to make: About 2 minutes (plus soaking time)

Difficulty: Super fun, delightfully aromatic and easy!


  • Whisk the coconut water powder as you pour it into the water
  • Add the pineapple juice powder
  • Make sure you blend everything properly
  • Drink and enjoy!

About Denise Girard, ZNF Master Chef

Denise Girard is a classically trained chef and an award winning film writer. Certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) as a Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP), Denise brings a unique set of training and skills to the food industry.

Being trained worldwide, she has been advised and educated by leading Medical and Naturopathic doctors in North America and Western Europe, including England, Switzerland, Italy and France, as well as, being trained using a wide array of the unique foods and spices of India. Denise also studied herbalism at the East West school of herbology in Santa Cruz and with Dr Schulze in Los Angeles, CA, gained extensive knowledge from Dr. Francesca Borella, Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany, Dr. Schulze, and Bruce Lipton -- one of the fathers of the science of Epigenetics.


For Bulk inquiries and custom formulations click here: